Monday, May 16, 2011

Diabetes on the oldies station

I was driving around this morning getting things done before the big pump start day tomorrow and lo and behold (I love that saying..."lo and behold!" lolol...such a weird thing to say) as I was flipping through the radio stations trying to find something that had a good beat and I could dance to (chair dance of course...a little hard to full out dance while sitting down and driving a car!)...and "Low Rider" came on the oldies station. You know the one..."All my friends have a ba ba ba ba, ba ba ba ba baaaaaah!" Haven't heard that song in forever and for some reason I burst out laughing as soon as I heard it. That song makes me think of such different things now as compared to what it made me think of years ago. The obvious of course being "low" blood sugars. I am sensing a new karaoke video clip in our future with this the added bonus of not so many lyrics...just a lot of dance time! Anyhoo, it got me thinking...I wonder what other things out there in the world hold different meaning for a D-Mom or D-Dad now? We all have our own special lingo that goes along with diabetes...lows, highs, BG, etc. I know my ears perk up automatically now whenever I hear one of those particular words. Obviously diabetes affects our lives greatly on a daily basis in the process of managing things for our's sort of right there in our faces sometimes seeming to shout "HEY! I'm still here!! Are you still paying attention to me??" I find it funny though when I come across things that happen during the day that aren't so obvious...things like hearing that crazy song and it making me think of low blood sugars as opposed to something else. Anyway, just stopped home to drop off some insulin in my fridge...and heading out again...just wanted to share this before it slips my mind. I am sure I will probably post something later on as well seeing as how this is our last night of life without a pump....I am probably going to be a wreck tonight and not be able to sleep at all....maybe I will sit here and make a mixed CD of all the songs that remind me of diabetes...lolol...such an exciting life I lead!


  1. lol. I downloaded Johnny Cash's "Sugartime" on my phone for the alarm to check BG. You know, "Sugar in the morning, sugar in the evening, sugar at suppertime." lol

  2. "All my friends love the low rider"
    I am totally singing the song in my head now and doing a little chair boogie!!
    Tomorrow is going to be exciting! Have a glass of something to celebrate and help you sleep tonight!!

  3. BEST WISHES WITH THE PUMP START!! so excited to hear how it goes.

  4. Hope things go well tomorrow!! We start our saline trial with the omnipod Friday.

  5. Good luck tomorrow...and love "low rider"...the song...not the actual BG "riding low". :)
