Monday, July 18, 2011

There is NO comparison

Advocating and educating is exhausting. Doing it in 104 degree heat is even more exhausting. Doing it while battling high blood sugars as a result of the heat is pretty much on the brink of being more than I can handle. This afternoon Emma and I ran a table for JDRF downtown. The city closed off the main street there to vehicles...I think it was to promote walking and try to get people to stop polluting the air with exhaust from their cars. First off...I find it a little ironic that the majority of people had to in fact drive there to park their cars and get out and walk along the closed off street. Oh well, who am I to judge? In any case, we arrived around 10:30am and set up the table which included various brochures and other info about type 1 diabetes, cookbooks, cute little teddy bears, and a ring toss game that people could play for $2 and win some neat JDRF silly bands in the shape of sneakers. By the time I was finished assembling the tent, table, signs, and materials...I was sweating like a fat guy at an All U Can Eat restaurant. Emma and I sat down and awaited some customers....we waited...and waited...and waited. It was slow going for sure. Emma was looking overheated and after testing I wound up having to correct a high of course. Why does it never occur to me to set a temp basal in situations like this? I'm an idiot. Anyway, the day turned out to be extremely slow...we raised a little bit of money, talked with a couple of people, and actually even met a police officer who was type 1 diabetic. Coincidentally enough, she was stationed right next to our table manning (womanning?) the blockade at the corner of the street to make sure no morons decided to try and drive thru anyway. She walked up to our table and told me that she was diabetic and we wound up having a nice conversation...funny how life seems to throw those coincidences in now and again. I am a firm believer in things happening for a reason...fate.
The rest of the afternoon went alright until a man/looney walked/jumped up to our table and proceeded to tell me that he USED to have ADHD and that everyone has something and diabetes just so happens to be Emma's "thing". He told me that he overcame his ADHD years ago just by talking to people like me, taking pills, and therapy. He told Emma that one day she would overcome her diabetes too. He told me that everyone is sick in some way shape or form. The whole time he was shouting/preaching to me...he was jumping around, waving his arms and hands about, basically full out talking a mile a minute. It was definitely one of the weirdest experiences/coversations I have had in a long time. I felt bad for him because obviously he was mentally ill....but I could still feel my D-Momma protective defensive attitude trying to pop up and put an end to his babbling about Emma's diabetes being just like his ADHD. It's not the will never be the's not even in the same ballpark buddy. But I didn't say a word. Maybe it's because it was 104 out...maybe because I was exhausted and worn out from correcting highs...maybe it's because I felt like a limp piece of lettuce and didn't even have the energy to open my mouth. Who knows. Eventually he walked away. Eventually I got to pack up and leave and bring us back to the sweet sweet air conditioning. Eventually I had to do a site change because I discovered some issues in the tubing...occlusions i think they are called? I'm still new to I can't remember. Eventually her blood sugars will come down from my corrections. Diabetes involves entirely too many "eventually's" in my opinion. I'm done with this day. On to the next where I plan on kicking some diabetes ass and taking I suppose...only one name for the big unwanted thorn in my side.


  1. DUDE...I woulda gone all D' Mama HONEY BADGER on his ass! J/ did the right thing for sure. He isn't in the right mind frame to listen and/or learn about Type 1, poor guy. You did an amazing job all day...caring for Emma, manning (womanning) the table...and connecting with the police officer. You are TOP NOTCH in my book girl.

  2. Agree that probably the fastest way to end that unwanted conversation was to just not really respond. Sometimes not fighting the battle is the only way to win it.

    And on the 'occlusions' - that means a blockage in the tubing - usually on the cannula that is in her skin (so can't be seen). It is either kinked or blood or something is in there.

    If it was something you could see in the outside tubing - then it should just be bubbles. And you can re-prime to get rid of those.

    You are doing a great job - especially in this heat!

  3. That's tough position to be in...any other person you could have taken the time and effort to educate, but this guy was obviously not in a place to be educated, much less spoken to...he just needed someone to listen to him and you did that! As tough as it was, you did it...and so many other amazing things ~ just the heat alone would have sent me packing!!
