Monday, July 25, 2011

My house is a bakery

My house smells amazing! Emma told me yesterday that she wanted to have a baking extravaganza today, so once we were dressed and ready for the day, we walked to the store with recipes and ingredient lists in our hands. We made Smurf berry muffins (she found a recipe in one of her new Smurf books...A Smurfin Guide to the, an original recipe a la Emma of chocolate fudge cake, chocolate chips, and strawberries with vanilla frosting and sprinkles on top, and a recipe I found online for chocolate fudge brownies made in the slow cooker (YUM!).
Emma was in charge of mixing the ingredients and helping to measure everything out. As the flour was flying and the smell of chocolate began to fill the air, I had to take a step back and watch her. I found myself smirking not only at her cuteness (especially with the dab of flour on the end of her nose and the cake batter smeared on her cheek), but also at the fact that diabetes was not getting in the way. We weren't letting it. We were enjoying a common very normal occurance between Mommy and daughter...we were baking yummy things and enjoying the moment together. There she was licking the spoon and pouring a cup of sugar...sprinkling sprinkles on top, and munching on blueberries as she poured them in the Smurf berry muffins. It was beautiful. She is beautiful.
Between licks of the spoon, I had her bolus a bit to cover it...but it didn't slow us down. We didn't give it a second thought really. It was just one more step on our list of directions for baking. Take THAT diabetes!
As I'm typing this, it has sort of occured to me that managing diabetes is sort of like baking. We have that very detailed recipe that is sometimes difficult to follow...sometimes we don't have all of the ingredients...sometimes we can't find our measuring cup...sometimes no matter how closely we follow the recipe and how exact our measurements just doesn't turn out. So, we keep plugging along and try again next time...always aiming for that magic result making us proud of all our hard work.


  1. Those smurf berry muffins look delicious and I'd love one right now! Good on you both for not letting diabetes rule the day!! Emma has diabetes but it doesn't have her!!

  2. Lovely! Always wonderful when D takes the backseat...especially to baking yummy treats!

  3. Yum! Just thinking of all those yummy treats is making me hungry :) So glad you were able to share a great day having fun with Emma!

  4. I want to stick my finger into the computer and scoop up some of that frosting :) YUM!
