Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My first prize giveaway!

Ok, so I have been thinking...when Emma was diagnosed over 3 years ago...I was lost. I was scared. I was completely overwhelmed and I had no confidence in my abilities to take care of her and keep her alive at all. I somehow muddled through and managed to survive every day...sometimes with style...but more often than not, hanging by a thread. I was fortunate enough to discover the DOC (diabetes online community) and you all saved me. You saved me from drowning in my sorrows alone. You gave me advice. You lifted me up and made me feel like I could do this. You gave me that confidence when I couldn't seem to find it within myself. You cheered me on. You rejoiced in our accomplishments. You supported us in our fundraising efforts. You cried with me in our failures. You consoled me through my unending tears.
You were there for us. You are still there for us. You will always be there for us. You welcomed us into your family with open arms. You have shown me that incredible bond that exists between fellow D-Mom's and Dad's. We have a bond between us that s stronger than any blood relation. We are a group of random, funny, brilliant, caring, kind hearted, and supportive people who live all over the world. Most of us have never met in person...and yet we would all do absolutely anything within our power to help each other.
You have shown me the magnitude of your support once again this month by sharing and reposting links to my blog and offering comments that have put a smile on my face and made me feel less alone in this world. You have read one particular post of mine over 800 times. I am beyond greatful. So, as a small and yet heartfelt token of my gratitude for all that you do....I would like to offer up a prize giveaway. I would like to give away a signed copy of my book and a special D-Momma survival kit that I have come up with...:o)...filled with a few things that will make those late nights (and early mornings) filled with BG checks a little more bearable. It's not much, but it comes from my heart.
If you are interested in winning the prize, please leave a comment here and on Sunday, the 18th at noon...I will have Emma randomly select the winner the old fashioned way...pulling a number out of a hat! Good luck and thank you all! <3


  1. Please add me !!! Thanks!

  2. You are such an amazing MOM. I always love hearing about the corky things that you and Emma do. As a dmom, you rock the doc!

  3. Count me in too! Thank you again for all your support!

  4. WooHoo..I love a good give away & would be honored to have a signed copy of your book!

  5. I want the book for sure! And I imagine there's caffeine in your survival kit... LOL I'm in!

  6. I would love to join in the fun! I think we will grab your book no matter what! Very Cool!!

  7. Oooh... How about throwing in a bag of old Dutch BBQ chips? Just kidding!
