Sunday, September 16, 2012


To love is to breathe...
tasting the tiny droplets of beauty
as you inhale the world around you.
To love is to see...
to see the incredible light
pouring out of every moment...
every in-between moment
that you immerse yourself in
To love is to feel...
to feel your heart pound beneath your chest
and to know....
that it beats for someone other than yourself
To love is to savour
each individual ticking of the clock
to know that the dark shadows
will bring the light
to know that the arms around you
will save you from the fright
the night
the blinding white
To love is to fly
in a life


  1. So beautiful...and powerful. <3

  2. Hi. I just came across your blog and wanted to introduce myself and say that i LOVE this poem!

    Dawn (mom to 5 year old T1D daughter).
