Thursday, October 21, 2010

zero confidence...

I have a lot of random thoughts running around in my brain at the i think it's time to dump them all out on here First, I had a really bad day yesterday. I have come across my fair share of ignorant and rude people in life...and especially in the past two years of dealing with diabetes. Well, for some reason it always shocks me when that ignorant person turns out to be someone in the medical profession. I have zero confidence in any of them anymore. I guess I am just naive still...but any time I come in contact with a doctor, nurse, or whatever...I always had some sort of glimmer of hope that they will have a bit of knowledge and will be able to understand all that goes along with diabetes. A LOT of the times I am wrong about that. I've come into contact with an ER nurse who told me all i needed to know was the amount of CALORIES in the giant freezie she was giving my sick daughter and that she would NOT need a needle for eating it at all. She said I did not need to pay any attention to the carbs in it....nice....yea...did I mention that she was an ER NURSE? sheesh! When Emma was diagnosed, our very own pediatrician told me that I needed to take the TV out of Emma's bedroom and stop letting her watch it at bedtime before she falls asleep because it would cause her to do poorly in school and she would fall behind the rest of her class. I think the next time I see him I will mention that her teacher told me she is reading at a grade 4 level now...see what he thinks about that one seeing as how she still has a TV in her room. Yesterday I came into contact with an eye doctor who told me that i was ridiculous in thinking that stress or anxiety will affect my diabetic daughter's blood sugar. Yea apparantly he knew a lot of things about diabetes...and i have just been a complete idiot these past two's pure luck that my daughter has survived this long i suppose. It is so exhausting sometimes to have to put up with people like this. I mean on top of all of the other stuff I have to do on a daily basis to manage her diabetes...i am forced to educate someone who has the title "Dr." in their name? Trying to explain things about diabetes to someone like that is like trying to teach my cat to meow on command. It's like trying to teach our fish to doggy-paddle. Or like trying to teach my husband that the dishes do not in fact wash themselves. all I can say...

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